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Over reading week, we met up to work on our PDP and do the call with Hyivy Health! They recommended some good reads and research avenues in terms of the biology behind hot flashes.
They also shared with us some existing products on the market, which aligned with the patent search we had done previously. This really gave us confidence that we were heading in the right direction!
One of the most prominent existing products is the Embr Wave: Embr Wave - Related Patent -
We also got a lead on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). HRT has a pretty controversial reputation, as a study in the early 2000s claimed that it can cause cancer. It can work for a lot of people, but can also spook others who are looking into the side effects. It just goes to show that research is underdone and alternative treatments are sparse.
The nice people at Hyivy also suggested we look into the scientific communications of Canadian gynecologist Jen Gunter: