Hello! We are officially all back from Reading Week and finally done with exams ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
There are many updates to the electrical and mechanical design of the project, please bear with us.
As of writing this, fabrication/assembly of the boards are done and they are just now being shipped to us. They should be here around just after the weekend, at which point hand-soldered parts can be assembled and formal bring-up can happen.
The firmware team has been developing their code on the breadboard prototype as we wait.
Note that extras of everything have been purchased so that we have room for error for any workarounds/if anything breaks.
Mechanical had updated their design and printed some new prototypes at WATiMake before Reading Week:
New design changes are being made now. After electrical sent their materials out for fab, they exported a step file of the boards so that the mech team can know the exact dimensions of the electrical components.