Over the weekend our anti-static wrist wrap and Li-on battery was shipped had we had to go about charging it. The connector for this battery isn’t common, and isn’t readily available, Luckily however, this battery is actually one used for wireless Beats headphones which one of our group members owns. So for the good of the project, his headphones were sacrificed.

Specifically, the headphones were opened up and the existing battery was disconnected. After plugging in the new battery, the headphones were charged like how they normally would be, and the battery was charged up (as indicated by status LEDs).


The issue is that while we can charge the battery, we don’t have a connector to access the power. To make our lives a little easier, we were considering cutting the existing connector wires, and soldering on a new, standard size connector for larger gauge wires.

To validate our ideas, we went to the MESS and talked to Paul and Richard. They led us toward changing out the connector for a standard size (and warned us against battery fires).

In the meantime, we’re also looking into 3D printing our own connector as we already have a charging method that works. The issue with this is that the connector itself is really small and the 3D printer might not have the resolution to make a connector that has the accuracy we need.