Today we filled out the Hazard and Symposium Forms as a team.

We also drafted the Brochure Information blurbs, but we are holding off on submitting that till tomorrow because we want to get some nice team pictures first. Stay tuned for the results of the photoshoot! 😎 ✨

To keep us on track and goal-oriented, we laid out what we want to demo to the teaching team during the February meeting. The idea is if we work toward these separate goals we can make good progress on the parts before integrating them. Here are our thoughts so far, to be refine tomorrow:

  1. Mechanical prototype - 3D printed casing and inner layers to show general physical form (aluminum heat dissipation square, battery, PCB boards mock up)
  2. Individual sensor demos (on their development boards) vs all breadboarded to the STM and some preliminary fusion???
  3. Show the PCB layout we sent int for fab (or if it has arrived back on time, we can show the actual board)

Here is a Kavisha for good luck (he just drove 6 hours):
